How Much is a Serving of Graham Crackers?

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Graham Cracker Serving SizeGraham crackers are a quick and easy low-calorie snack for those on the run or those on a diet. They have been around for decades and have even evolved with different flavors and shapes, to even becoming a staple in the making of cheese cakes and other pastry crusts. But how much is enough Graham crackers for a single serving?

Packaging Considerations

Graham crackers are generally rectangular shaped, with each cracker having a perforated line in the middle that lets you break it into two equal squares. The smallest available package comes with three crackers, but there are larger family sized options that have upwards of 10 crackers or more.

Serving Sizes of Graham Crackers

An adult serving of is graham crackers would be two sheets or approximately 28 grams. This ideal serving contains just a little under 120 calories, about 2 grams of protein, 3 grams of fat and 20 grams of carbohydrates – 8 grams of which are from sugar.

Recommended serving sizes for infants and small children consuming graham crackers as a snack or a treat is about half of the amount recommended for adults. Therefore, for children 3 to 5 years, only one sheet or about 13 grams is recommended for each serving. Children 6 years and older can be served the full adult serving of two sheets.

Read: How Many Graham Crackers are in a Cup?

The Evolution of Graham Crackers

While Graham crackers are known for their traditional rectangular shape and their savory taste, many companies have tried to re-imagine the popular snack. Companies have produced Graham crackers with new imaginative shapes, sugar toppings, honey additives, and even a chocolate coated option.

For these specialty options, the manufacturers will suggest the serving size, but parents must be aware that this amount is for adults and so the necessary accommodations must be made for children.

Fun fact: History has it that the popular Graham crackers were invented in 1829 by a Presbyterian minister named Sylvester Graham. The first version of the cracker was not very sweet and more like a biscuit, but over the years it evolved into a sweet snack similar to the traditional cookie.

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With over a decade of exploring tech, food, travel, and beyond, Jeremy Dixon knows what’s worth your attention. A seasoned content curator, he uncovers the gems that make life more interesting, backed by solid research and a passion for quality.

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